Discrete Mathematics
Hans Georg Schaathun


Discrete Mathematics Web Pages

File formats

Different software and file formats have been used to make teaching material. I strive to comply with Referansekatalogen for IT-standarder i offentlig sektor, so nothing should be hard to access regardless of platform. However, glitches may occur, so please just tell me if there is anything you cannot read (with a URL to the file).


In some cases, both pre-slides and post-slides are provided. The pre-slides are the clean slides before the lecture, while the post-slides include annotations added in the lecture.

Not all PDF viewers are able to display the annotations correctly. For instance, the default plugin in Firefox, will only show the clean slides. However, evince, okular, and Mac Preview all show the annotations. The inability of Firefox to display annotated PDF is the only incompatibility problem that I am aware of. Please let me know if there are other problems.

The slides have been created using pdflatex with the beamer class (on Linux). Annotations are generated by xournal, except possibly from some very old slides where skim was used on Mac OS X Lion.


Most of the videos are published in two formats, MPEG4 and OGG. The former uses H264 video encoding and and AAC audio encoding. The latter uses Theora and Vorbis. They are created using ffmpeg from raw data recorded using ffmpeg (screencast), audacity (sound recording), guvcview (webcam recording), as well as pdfseparate and ImageMagick convert (pixmap conversion from PDF slides), all on Linux.

Some of the older videos were recorded using Camtasia for Mac and published only in MPEG4., The resolution and bitrates for these files is different; let me know if this causes problems.


The videos are subject to normal copyright and IP rights. They have been made available for students of Høgskolen i Ålesund for their personal use. Republication, in any form, is illegal.

Colour coding

Teaching material is published with one fortnight period per page, and one video per entry. These entries are colour explained in the table below. Green entries are the "must watch" videos; new material essential to get started on the exercises. If you do not watch the green videos prior to the classroom sessions, you will waste your time. Depending on your learning style, you may want to watch the other videos before or after working on the exercises. They include examples, supplementary and anecdotal material.

Light green background These are the primary videos, explaining new key concepts.
White background These videos typically elaborate on the core material of primary videos. Usually, the primary (green) videos suffice to solve the exercise, but the white ones may provide extra help and insight. It is of critical importance that you watch all the green videos prior to the session.
Light blue background These secondary videos typically give an alternative view on core material in the syllabus. They will help to clarify points which you might have missed in the primary talk.
Yellow background Videos marked with yellow background are anecdotal material, which is intended to give additional insight without expecting you to learn the details. If you run out of time, you may skip the anecdotal material.
Purple background Model solutions. The video explains how to solve sample problems with a standard suitable for exams. There will normally also be a typed solution alongside video and slides.
Red on black Videos in red on black background have been superseded by other videos; typically because we were dissatisfied with the contents or the quality. They are retained for completeness, but you should skip them unless you have a particular interest.

Hans Georg Schaathun / hasc@hials.no