@article{wolff2024, author = {Wolff, Miriam K. and Schaathun, Hans Georg and Fougner, Anders Lyngvi and Steinert, Martin and Volden, Rune}, journal = {IEEE Access}, title = {Mobile Software Development Kit for Real Time Multivariate Blood Glucose Prediction}, year = 2024, volume = 12, pages = {5910-5919}, keywords = {Wearable computers;Sensors;Real-time systems;Glucose;Insulin;Prediction algorithms;Protocols;Blood;Machine learning;Blood glucose prediction;health information systems;machine learning;wearable sensors}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3349496} }
@inproceedings{schaathun2023, title = {Om {\aa} kartleggja m{\o}rk materie med maskinl{\ae}ring}, author = {Schaathun, Hans Georg and Normann, Ben David and Solev{\aa}g-Hoti, Kenny}, booktitle = {Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning}, number = {1}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{hgs2023ecms, title = {On the simulation of gravitational lensing}, author = {Schaathun, Hans Georg and Normann, Ben David and Austnes, Einar Leite and Ingebrigtsen, Simon and Rem{\o}y, Sondre Westb{\o} and Runde, Simon Nedreberg}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation}, year = 2023, note = {Florence, Italy, 21-23 June 2023}, editor = {Enrico Vicario and Romeo Bandinelli and Virginia Fani and Michele Mastroianni}, publisher = {ECMS - European Council for Modelling and Simulation}, isbn = {978-3-937436-80-7 (Print) 978-3-937436-79-1 (CD-ROM)} }
@article{rasheed2023region, author = {Rasheed, Bismi and Ayyalasomayajula, Venkat and Schaarschmidt, Ute and Vagstad, Terje and Schaathun, Hans Georg}, title = {Region- and layer-specific investigations of the human menisci using SHG imaging and biaxial testing}, journal = {Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology}, volume = {11}, year = {2023}, url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2023.1167427}, doi = {10.3389/fbioe.2023.1167427}, issn = {2296-4185}, abstract = {In this paper, we examine the region- and layer-specific collagen fiber morphology via second harmonic generation (SHG) in combination with planar biaxial tension testing to suggest a structure-based constitutive model for the human meniscal tissue. Five lateral and four medial menisci were utilized, with samples excised across the thickness from the anterior, mid-body, and posterior regions of each meniscus. An optical clearing protocol enhanced the scan depth. SHG imaging revealed that the top samples consisted of randomly oriented fibers with a mean fiber orientation of 43.3o. The bottom samples were dominated by circumferentially organized fibers, with a mean orientation of 9.5o. Biaxial testing revealed a clear anisotropic response, with the circumferential direction being stiffer than the radial direction. The bottom samples from the anterior region of the medial menisci exhibited higher circumferential elastic modulus with a mean value of 21 MPa. The data from the two testing protocols were combined to characterize the tissue with an anisotropic hyperelastic material model based on the generalized structure tensor approach. The model showed good agreement in representing the material anisotropy with a mean r2 = 0.92.} }
@article{rasheed2023corotational, title = {Co-rotational Reduced Order Kalman Filter Finite Element Method for the Real-time Implementation of Large-scale Structural Models}, journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine}, volume = 56, number = 2, pages = {10198-10203}, year = 2023, note = {22nd IFAC World Congress}, issn = {2405-8963}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.897}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405896323012806}, author = {Bismi Rasheed and Morten Dinhoff Pedersen and Hans Georg Schaathun}, keywords = {Kalman Filtering, Model Order Reduction, Corotational Formulation, Finite Element Method, Real-time Modeling, Soft Tissue Deformation}, abstract = {The real-time implementation of large-scale structural models without sacrificing their physical realism is challenging. This paper introduces a conceptual framework named the Co-rotational Reduced Order Kalman Filter Finite Element Method (CROKF-FEM) for the realistic linear elastic analysis of large-scale structures in real-time. The standard linear finite element method (FEM) is employed for high-precision deformation modeling, and element matrices are pre-computed in the space domain. To avoid the inflated elements of standard linear FEM due to large rotation, a co-rotational formulation is devised. Then, the system is discretized in the time domain using the Wilson- θ implicit integration scheme and a further state-space model is developed. Subsequently, a reduced-order model is constructed using the balanced truncation method. Finally, a Kalman filter algorithm is created on the reduced model for online estimation. This approach preserves all the benefits of traditional linear FEM with a similar deformation accuracy while achieving significant real-time performance.} }
@article{bjelland2022towards, title = {Towards a Digital Twin for Arthroscopic Knee Surgery: A Systematic Review}, author = {Bjelland, {\O}ystein and Rasheed, Bismi and Schaathun, Hans Georg and Pedersen, Morten D and Steinert, Martin and Hellevik, Alf Inge and Bye, Robin T}, journal = {IEEE Access}, year = {2022}, publisher = {IEEE} }
@inproceedings{rasheed2022, title = {Biaxial Mechanical Characterization and Constitutive Modeling of Human Meniscus}, author = {Bismi Rasheed and Venkat Siva Radha Krishna Ayyalasomayajula and Ute Alexandra Schaarschmidt and Terje Vagstad and Hans Georg Schaathun}, booktitle = {7th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE2022)}, issn = {2227-9385}, month = jun, year = 2022 }
@article{hgs2022udit, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Maskinlæring og studentlæring}, month = nov, journal = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, note = {\emph{Undervising og Didaktikk i IT-faga}, Kristiansand, November 2022.}, url = {https://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/article/view/988}, issn = {1892-0721}, year = 2022 }
@article{hgs2022understanding, author = {Schaathun, Hans Georg}, title = {{On Understanding in Mathematics}}, journal = {Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA}, volume = {41}, number = {4}, pages = {318-328}, year = {2022}, month = {09}, abstract = {{It is often difficult to teach mathematics for understanding. Many students seem to prefer to learn computational skills by rote, and seem to remember very little of the course contents the following semester. The reasons for this are surely manifold. This paper reviews the concept of understanding, looking particularly towards the meaning it has in hermeneutic philosophy. The known distinction between hermeneutical and epistemological understanding is resituated in mathematics, and we argue that it is the hermeneutic understanding which is most relevant when mathematics is taught as a support subject for engineering and other professions.}}, issn = {0268-3679}, doi = {10.1093/teamat/hrac016}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/teamat/hrac016}, eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/teamat/article-pdf/41/4/318/47510323/hrac016.pdf} }
@article{hgs2022destud, title = {Where {S}ch\"on and {S}imon agree: The rationality of design}, journal = {Design Studies}, volume = 79, pages = {101090}, year = 2022, issn = {0142-694X}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.destud.2022.101090}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142694X22000102}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, keywords = {design methodology, reflective practice, engineering design, philosophy of design, logic of design}, abstract = {Simon and Schön are commonly seen to represent two conflicting views on design method, but this interpretation has been challenged in recent years. In this paper we discuss their differences and agreements in more depth. Both of them agree on a rationality which is distinct from science and its reliance on universal truth. They depend on a practical reason, and what Aristotle calls the calculative part of the soul, which deals with the contingencies of real world problems, and still let us know, and share, truth. One discrepancy remains between Simon and Schön. Simon does not tell us how we identify the changing goals of man. Schön addresses this by invoking the distinctly human power to see-as.} }
@article{hgs2021udit, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Smidig Epistemologi}, month = nov, journal = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, note = {\emph{Undervising og Didaktikk i IT-faga}, Trondheim, November 2021.}, url = {https://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/article/view/900}, issn = {1892-0721}, year = 2021 }
@article{hgs2019mntjournal, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Jan Gunnar Moe}, title = {Kva er eigentleg målet i matematikken?}, editor = {Reidar Lyng and Thomas Gjesteland}, journal = {Nordic Journal of STEM Education}, volume = 4, number = 2, doi = {10.5324/njsteme.v4i2.3099}, year = 2021 }
@article{hgs2020udit, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Ingeniørdannelse. Kva har danning i teknologifag å gjera?}, journal = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, pdf = {Papers/hgs2020udit.pdf}, year = 2020, month = nov, note = {\emph{Undervising og Didaktikk i IT-faga}, online in November 2020.}, url = {https://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/article/view/824}, issn = {1892-0721} }
@article{hgs2019udit, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Den tause kunnskapen i IT-studia}, journal = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, pdf = {Papers/hgs2019udit.pdf}, year = 2019, month = nov, venue = {Narvik}, note = {Presentert på \emph{Undervising og Didaktikk i IT-faga}, Narvik 26. nov.\ 2019. Open tilgang på \url{https://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/article/view/686}.}, issn = {1892-0721} }
@article{hgs2018udit, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Sebastian Søviknes Gundersen}, title = {Quiz for diskusjon og samarbeid i store klasser}, journal = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, pdf = {Papers/hgs2018udit.pdf}, year = 2018, month = sep, venue = {Svalbard}, note = {Presentert på \emph{Undervising og Didaktikk i IT-faga}, Svalbard 18.-20. sept.\ 2018. Open tilgang på \url{https://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/article/view/517/441}.}, issn = {1892-0721} }
@inproceedings{hgs2018nik, pdf = {Papers/nik2018.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Adrian Rutle}, title = {Model-Driven Software Engineering in the Resource Description Framework: a way to version control}, booktitle = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, year = 2017, note = {Open access at \url{http://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/index}. ISSN 1892-0721 }, venue = {Svalbard}, month = sep }
@article{nsgl2018, author = {Nordby, Kjetil and Schaathun, Hans Georg and Gernez, Etienne and Lurås, Sigrun}, title = {A conceptual framework for reporting field research for design in the maritime industries}, journal = {The International Journal of Marine Design}, year = 2019 }
@inproceedings{hgs2017nik, pdf = {Papers/nik2017.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Que Tran and Mikael Tollefsen and Etienne Gernez }, title = {Data and knowledge manangement in field studies. A case for semantic technologies}, booktitle = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, year = 2017, note = {Open access at \url{http://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/index}. ISSN 1892-0721 }, venue = {Oslo}, date = {27.-29. november 2017} }
@article{sk2017, title = {Obfuscation in digital fingerprinting}, author = {Schaathun, Hans Georg and Kuribayashi, Minoru}, journal = {International Journal of Information and Coding Theory}, volume = {4}, number = {2-3}, pages = {185--200}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers (IEL)} }
@article{rutle2015model, title = {Model-Driven Software Engineering in Practice: a Content Analysis Software for Health Reform Agreements}, author = {Rutle, Adrian and Simonsen, Kent Inge Fagerland and Schaathun, Hans Georg and Kirchhoff, Ralf}, journal = {Procedia Computer Science}, volume = 63, pages = {545--552}, year = 2015, publisher = {Elsevier}, number = {Supplement C}, note = {The 6th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN 2015)/ The 5th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH-2015)/ Affiliated Workshops}, issn = {1877-0509}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.383}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050915025181}, keywords = {Model-driven Software Engineering, Coordination Reforms in healthcare, Metamodelling, MVCore}, abstract = {Abstract The Coordination Reform of 2012 requires Norwegian municipalities and regional health authorities to enter into legally binding service agreements. Although several research projects have been undertaken to analyse the implications of this reform, there is no central database where researches can be given access and analyse the service agreements. In this paper we present how we use model-driven software engineering and user-centric design in an initial development of an information system designed to allow researches to access and analyse service agreements. For this project, it was crucial to discuss the requirements of the system with domain-experts at a high level of abstraction in order to elicit feedback so that the development could proceed at a fast pace and in the right direction. Furthermore, given time and resource constraints, we elected to use a model driven approach using automatic code generation coupled with high-productivity frameworks. In this way we were able to create prototypes so that the developers could get fast feedback from the domain-experts and improvements could be implemented with minimal effort.} }
@inproceedings{ss2015fjord, pdf = {Papers/ss2015fjord.pdf}, author = {Welie Annett Schaathun and Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Mellom klassisk betinging og støttende stillas: Et utviklingspsykologisk perspektiv på ingeniørstudenters læring}, booktitle = {Innovasjon i velferdssamfunnet}, publisher = {Universitetsforlaget}, series = {Fjordantologien}, volume = 2015, year = 2016 }
@proceedings{ecms2016, title = {Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation}, note = {Regensburg, Germany}, year = 2016 }
@inproceedings{hgs2016ecms1, title = {A software framework for intelligent computer-automated product design}, authors = {Robin Bye and Ottar Osen and Birger Pedersen and Ibrahim Hameed and Hans Georg Schaathun}, crossref = {ecms2016} }
@inproceedings{hgs2016ecms2, title = {Intelligent computer-automated crane design using an online crane prototyping tool}, authors = {Ibrahim Hameed and Robin Bye and Ottar Osen and Birger Pedersen and Hans Georg Schaathun}, crossref = {ecms2016} }
@article{hgs2015udit, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Matematikk er eit pratefag og andre røynsler frå eit omvendt klasserom}, journal = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, pdf = {Papers/hgs2015udit.pdf}, year = 2015, month = nov, note = {Presentert på \emph{Undervising og Didaktikk i IT-faga}, Ålesund 23.-25, november 2015. Open tilgang på \url{https://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/article/view/255/218}.} }
@article{ss2015udit, author = {Schaathun, Welie Annett and Schaathun, Hans Georg}, title = {Dypevaluering av studentenes læring - {E}r fokusgrupper svaret?}, journal = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, pdf = {Papers/ss2015udit.pdf}, year = 2015, month = nov, note = {Presentert på \emph{Undervising og Didaktikk i IT-faga}, Ålesund 23.-25, november 2015} }
@article{ssb2015mnt, author = {Schaathun, Welie Annett and Schaathun, Hans Georg and Bye, Robin T.}, pdf = {Papers/ssb2015mnt.pdf}, year = 2015, title = {Aktiv Læring i Mikrokontrollarar}, journal = {Uniped}, volume = 38, number = 4, pages = {381-389}, note = {Special issue following \emph{MNT-konferansen}, Bergen, Norway 18-19 March 2015} }
@inproceedings{sasb2014fjord, author = {Øivind Strand and Rigmor Einang Alnes and Hans Georg Schaathun and Helen Berg}, editor = {Øivind Strand and Erik Nesset and Harald Yndestad}, pages = {155-174}, title = {Drivers and barriers in public sector innovations, regional perspectives and lessons learned from the ALV project}, booktitle = {Fragmentering eller mobilisering? Regional Utvikling i Nordvest}, series = {Fjordantologien}, volume = 2014, year = 2015, publisher = {forlag1} }
@article{bs2015, author = {Bye, Robin T. and Schaathun, Hans Georg}, title = {A simulation study of evaluation heuristics for tug fleet optimisation problems}, booktitle = {Operations Research and Enterprise Systems}, editor = {de Werra, Dominique and Parlier, Greg H. and Vitoriano, Bego{\~{n}}a}, journal = {Communications in Computer and Information Science}, year = 2015, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, pages = {165--190}, abstract = {Tug fleet optimisation algorithms can be designed to solve the problem of dynamically positioning a fleet of tugs in order to mitigate the risk of oil tanker drifting accidents. In this paper, we define the 1D tug fleet optimisation problem and present a receding horizon genetic algorithm for solving it. The algorithm can be configured with a set of cost functions such that each configuration effectively constitute a unique tug fleet optimisation algorithm. To measure the performance, or merit, of such algorithms, we propose two evaluation heuristics and test them by means of a computational simulation study. Finally, we discuss our findings and some of our related work on a parallel implementation and an alternative 2D nonlinear mixed integer programming formulation of the problem.}, isbn = {978-3-319-27680-9} }
@inproceedings{hgs2015oceans, preprint = {Papers/chsazs2015oceans.pdf}, title = {Virtual Prototyping System for Maritime Crane Design and Operation Based on Functional Mock-up Interface}, author = {Yingguang Chu and Lars Hatledal and Filippo Sanfilippo and Hans Schaathun and Vilmar Æsøy and Houxiang Zhang}, booktitle = {OCEANS}, year = 2015, month = may, note = {Genova, Italy, 18--21 May} }
@inproceedings{hsz2015sims, pdf = {Papers/hsz2015sims.pdf}, url = {http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp/119/012/ecp15119012.pdf}, title = {A Software Architecture for Simulation and Visualisation based on the Functional Mock-up Interface and Web Technologies}, author = {Hatledal, Lars Ivar and Schaathun, Hans Georg and Zhang, Houxiang}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 56th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 56), October, 7-9, 2015, Link{\"o}ping University, Sweden}, number = {119}, pages = {123--129}, year = {2015}, organization = {Link{\"o}ping University Electronic Press} }
@inproceedings{ks2015icip, title = {Image fingerprinting system based on collusion secure code and watermarking method}, author = {Minoru Kuribayashi and Hans Georg Schaathun}, booktitle = {ICIP, Quebec}, year = 2015, month = sep, note = {Accepted for publication} }
@article{hgs2015jfp, preprint = {Papers/hgs2015jfp.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Evaluation of Splittable Pseudo-Random Generators}, journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, year = 2015, volume = 25, month = may, issn = {1469-7653}, doi = {10.1017/S095679681500012X}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S095679681500012X}, pages = {e6}, abstract = {Pseudo-random number generation is a fundamental problem in computer programming. In the case of sequential processing the problem is very well researched, but parallel processing raises new problems whereof far too little is currently understood. Splittable pseudo-random generators have been proposed to meet the challenges of parallelism. While applicable to any programming paradigm, they are designed to be particularly suitable for pure functional programming. In this paper we review and evaluate known constructions of such generators, and we identify flaws in several large classes of generators, including Lehmer trees, the implementation in Haskell's standard library, leapfrog, and subsequencing (substreaming).}, keywords = {splittable pseudo-random number generators, Lehmer tree, Monte Carlo tree, parallel programming, pure functional programming, Haskell} }
@inproceedings{bye15, pdf = {Papers/bs2015icores.pdf}, author = {Bye, Robin T. and Schaathun, Hans Georg}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES'15)}}, pages = {270--282}, title = {{Evaluation heuristics for tug fleet optimisation algorithms: A computational simulation study of a receding horizon genetic algorithm}}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{hgs2014pahi, pdf = {Papers/smba2014pahi.pdf}, openurl = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1251/}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Sven Inge Molnes and Helen Berg and Rigmor Einang Alnes}, title = {Electronic Tracking of Users with Cognitive Impairment (Contrasting a Literature Review with Local Experience)}, booktitle = {2nd European Workshop on Practical Aspects of Health Informatics (PAHI 2014)}, venue = {Trondheim}, month = may, year = 2014, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, volume = 1251 }
@inproceedings{bye14, preprint = {Papers/bs2014ecms.pdf}, author = {Bye, Robin T. and Schaathun, Hans G.}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation}}, owner = {Robin}, pages = {682--690}, timestamp = {2013.02.25}, title = {{An improved receding horizon genetic algorithm for the tug fleet optimisation problem}}, year = 2014, month = may, note = {Brescia, Italy} }
@article{hgs2014tifs, preprint = {Papers/hgs2014tifs.pdf}, srccode = {http://www.ifs.schaathun.net/pyfp/}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, journal = {Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on}, title = {Attacks on {K}uribayashi's Fingerprinting Scheme}, year = {2014}, month = apr, volume = {9}, number = {4}, pages = {607-609}, abstract = {The main threat against fingerprinting systems is collusion attacks. The attack most commonly assumed in the literature is a combination of averaging the collusion fingerprints and additive noise. In this correspondence, we demonstrate that the recently proposed fingerprinting scheme of Kuribayashi's is very vulnerable to certain nonlinear collusion attacks.}, keywords = {data compression;fingerprint identification;image coding; image denoising;image watermarking; Kuribayashi fingerprinting scheme;additive noise; collusion fingerprints;fingerprinting systems; nonlinear collusion attacks;Additive noise; Detectors;Discrete cosine transforms; Educational institutions;Interference;Transform coding; Watermarking;Fingerprinting;collusion attack;watermarking}, doi = {10.1109/TIFS.2014.2304837}, issn = {1556-6013} }
@inproceedings{hgs2014nik, pdf = {Papers/nik2014.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Parallell Slump ({O}m å parallellisera genetiske algoritmar i {H}askell)}, booktitle = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, year = 2014, note = {Open access at \url{http://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/index}. ISSN 1892-0721}, venue = {Fredrikstad}, note2 = {Fredrikstad 16.-18. november 2014} }
@article{hgs2013nik, pdf = {Papers/sa2013nik.pdf}, title = {Operational planning in state machines}, author = {Schaathun, Hans Georg and Aarset, Magne}, journal = {Norsk informatikkonferanse (NIK)}, year = 2013, publisher = {Akademika forlag} }
@inproceedings{shspz2013, preprint = {Papers/shspz2013.pdf}, title = {A Universal Control Architecture for Maritime Cranes and Robots Using Genetic Algorithms as a Possible Mapping Approach}, author = {Sanfilippo, Filippo and Hatledal, Lars Ivar and Schaathun, Hans Georg and Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad and Zhang, Houxiang}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) Shenzhen, China, December 2013}, pages = {322--327}, year = 2013, organization = {IEEE} }
@inproceedings{hgs2013ecms, pdf = {Papers/saor2013ecms.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Magne Aarset and Runar Ostnes and Robert Rylander}, title = {Hierarchical task analysis, situation-awareness and support software}, booktitle = {27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation}, editor = {Webjørn Rekdalsbakken and Robin T. Bye and Houxiang Zhang}, publisher = {European Council for Modelling and Simulation}, isbn = {978-0-9564944-6-7}, year = 2013, pages = {184+} }
@inproceedings{hgs12nik, pdf = {Papers/hgs2012nik.pdf}, ownfile = {hgs12nik.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, year = 2012, title = {Tekstur og dekkval i biletsteganografi}, booktitle = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, address = {Bodø, Norway}, month = nov }
@inproceedings{hgs2011nik, pdf = {Papers/hgs2011nik.pdf}, ownfile = {hgs11nik.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, year = 2011, title = {Vurdering av \emph{features} for steganalyse i {JPEG}}, booktitle = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, address = {Tromsø, Norway}, month = nov }
@article{sksc11tardos, file = {sksc11tardos.pdf}, author = {Boris Skoric and Stefan Katzenbeisser and Hans Georg Schaathun and Mehmet Utku Celik}, title = {Tardos Fingerprinting Codes in the Combined Digit Model}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security}, volume = 6, number = 3, year = 2011, month = sep, pages = {906-919}, abstract = {We formalize a new attack model for collusion secure codes, incorporating attacks on the underlying watermarking scheme as well as cut-and-paste attacks traditionally considered for collusion secure codes. We use this model to analyze the collusion resistance of two versions of the Tardos code, both for binary and nonbinary alphabets. The model allows us to consider different signal processing attacks on the content, namely the addition of noise and averaging attacks. The latter may result in content segments that have multiple watermarks embedded. We study two versions of the q-ary Tardos code in which the accusation method has been modified so as to allow for the detection of multiple symbols in the same content segment. We show that both variants yield efficient codes in the new model, parametrized for realistic attacker strengths.}, keywords = {fingerprint identification;image watermarking;Tardos fingerprinting codes;accusation method;binary alphabets;collusion resistance;collusion secure codes;combined digit model;content segment;cut-and-paste attacks;nonbinary alphabets;q-ary Tardos code;signal processing attacks;watermarking scheme;Analytical models;Detectors;Mathematical model;Noise;Watermarking;Collusion attacks;fingerprinting;watermarking}, doi = {10.1109/TIFS.2011.2116783}, issn = {1556-6013} }
@inproceedings{bsw2010icc, preprint = {Papers/bsw2010icc.pdf}, author = {Briffa, J.A. and Schaathun, H.G. and Wesemeyer, S.}, booktitle = {Communications (ICC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on}, title = {An Improved Decoding Algorithm for the {D}avey-{M}ac{K}ay Construction}, year = {2010}, month = {May}, pages = {1-5}, abstract = {The Deletion-Insertion Correcting Code construction proposed by Davey and MacKay consists of an inner code that recovers synchronization and an outer code that provides substitution error protection. The inner code uses low-weight codewords which are added (modulo two) to a pilot sequence. The receiver is able to synchronise on the pilot sequence in spite of the changes introduced by the added codeword. The original bit-level formulation of the inner decoder assumes that all bits in the sparse codebook are identically and independently distributed. Not only is this assumption inaccurate, but it also prevents the use of soft a- priori input to the decoder. We propose an alternative symbol-level inner decoding algorithm that takes the actual codebook into account. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has an improved performance with only a small penalty in complexity, and it allows other improvements using inner codes with larger minimum distance.}, keywords = {turbo codes;Davey-MacKay construction;alternative symbol-level inner decoding algorithm;deletion-insertion correcting code construction;improved decoding algorithm;inner decoder;nonbinary codes;pilot sequence;sparse codebook;substitution error protection;turbo codes;Communications Society;Decoding;Delta modulation;Demodulation;Error correction codes;Iterative algorithms;Partial transmit sequences;Peer to peer computing;Turbo codes;Watermarking}, doi = {10.1109/ICC.2010.5502293}, issn = {1550-3607} }
@inproceedings{sksc09tardos, author = {Skoric, B. and Katzenbeisser, S. and Schaathun, H.G. and Celik, M.U.}, booktitle = {Information Forensics and Security, 2009. WIFS 2009. First IEEE International Workshop on}, title = {Tardos fingerprinting codes in the combined digit model}, year = {2009}, month = dec, pages = {41-45}, abstract = {We introduce a new attack model for collusion-secure codes, called the combined digit model, which represents signal processing attacks against the underlying watermarking level better than existing models. In this paper, we analyze the performance of two variants of the Tardos code and show that both variants can accommodate the new model and resist collusion attacks with only a modest increase in code length as compared to the results for the commonly used restricted digit model.}, keywords = {codes;watermarking;Tardos fingerprinting codes;collusion-secure codes;combined digit model;restricted digit model;signal processing;watermarking level;Codes;Data security;Fingerprint recognition;Forensics;Information security;Performance analysis;Resists;Signal processing;Signal processing algorithms;Watermarking}, doi = {10.1109/WIFS.2009.5386485} }
@inproceedings{hgs2009ima, preprint = {Papers/hgs2009ima.pdf}, title = {On higher weights and code existence}, author = {Schaathun, Hans Georg}, booktitle = {The twelfth IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding}, series = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = dec, note = {Cirencester, England}, pages = {56--64}, year = 2009, publisher = {Springer}, abstract = {Several open questions in coding theory relate to non-existence or construction of certain optimal codes. Many previous problems of this kind have been solved by studying possible weight enumerators. A couple of authors in this decade have proposed using higher weights (generalised Hamming weights) to a similar effect. In this paper we suggest one approach based on the weight hierarchy, and it allows us to conduct an extremely rapid computer search to prove that there are exactly two inequivalent $[36,8,16]$ codes. The technique can also be used to gain new information about the weight hierarchy of the putative $[72,36,16]$ code, but not yet enough to say if it exists or not.} }
@inproceedings{hgs2008iwdw, preprint = {Papers/hgs2008iwdw.pdf}, title = {On the Performance of Wavelet Decomposition Steganalysis with JSteg Steganography}, author = {Wahab, Ainuddin Wahid Abdul and Briffa, Johann A and Schaathun, Hans Georg}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Digital Watermarking 2008}, series = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {342--349}, year = {2009}, note = {Korea}, isbn = {978-3-642-04437-3}, volume = 5450, editor = {Kim, Hyoung-Joong and Katzenbeisser, Stefan and Ho, AnthonyT.S.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-04438-0_29}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg} }
@inproceedings{bs2008turbo, author = {Briffa, J.A. and Schaathun, H.G.}, booktitle = {Turbo Codes and Related Topics, 2008 5th International Symposium on}, title = {Non-binary turbo codes and applications}, year = {2008}, month = sep, pages = {294-298}, abstract = {In this paper we consider the use of q-ary turbo codes on abstract q-ary channels. Simulations show that our 16-ary codes perform well on the q-ary symmetric channel. This validates their suitability as outer codes in non-binary applications. We also compare with the performance of same codes on conventional PSK and QAM modulation, and demonstrate an application of these codes to the insertion/deletion channel.}, keywords = {channel coding;phase shift keying;quadrature amplitude modulation;turbo codes;PSK modulation;QAM modulation;insertion/deletion channel;nonbinary turbo codes;q-ary channels;q-ary turbo codes;Construction industry;Decoding;Delta modulation;Error analysis;Modulation;Turbo codes;Watermarking;deletion-insertion correcting codes;non-binary codes;q-ary symmetric channel;turbo codes}, doi = {10.1109/TURBOCODING.2008.4658714} }
@inproceedings{bs2008isita, url = {http://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/2405/1/SRF002538.pdf}, confurl = {https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/research/conferences/isita2008/index.php}, author = {Briffa, J.A. and Schaathun, H.G.}, booktitle = {Information Theory and Its Applications, 2008. ISITA 2008. International Symposium on}, title = {Improvement of the {D}avey-{M}ac{K}ay construction}, year = 2008, month = dec, pages = {1-4}, abstract = {The Davey-MacKay construction is a deletion-insertion correcting code scheme consisting of an inner code that functions as a pilot sequence to which the receiver seeks to synchronize, and an outer code that provides error protection. We analyse the performance of the inner code in isolation, arguing that these codes provide unequal protection, and demonstrate empirically that the error rate is dependent on the date symbol values. We also propose modifications to the code construction that alleviate this asymmetry. Simulation results show that these codes have an improved performance with no penalty.}, keywords = {error correction codes;Davey-MacKay construction;code construction;deletion-insertion correcting code scheme;error protection code;inner code;outer code;Decoding;Delta modulation;Error analysis;Error correction codes;Information theory;Parity check codes;Partial transmit sequences;Performance analysis;Protection;Watermarking}, doi = {10.1109/ISITA.2008.4895415} }
@inproceedings{hgs08oxford, title = {A key-recovery attack on Authentication Watermarking by {L}i and {Y}uan}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, year = 2008, booktitle = {10th ACM Workshop on Multimedia \& Security}, pdf = {Papers/mmsec08schaathun.pdf}, slides = {Slides/080923oxford.pdf}, handout = {Slides/handout080923oxford.pdf} }
@article{hgs08ifs, file = {hgs08ifs.pdf}, preprint = {Papers/hgs08ifs.pdf}, title = {On the Assumption of Equal Contributions in Fingerprinting}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, journal = {IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security}, volume = 3, number = 3, year = 2008, month = sep, pages = {569--572}, abstract = {With a digital fingerprinting scheme, a vendor of digital copies of copyrighted material marks each individual copy with a unique fingerprint. If an illegal copy appears, it can be traced back to one or more guilty pirates due to this fingerprint. A coalition of pirates may combine their copies to produce an unauthorized copy with a false, hybrid fingerprint. It is often assumed in the literature that the members of the collusion will make equal contributions to the hybrid fingerprint, because nobody will accept an increased risk of being caught. We argue that no such assumption is valid a priori, and we show that a published solution by Sebe and Domingo-Ferrer can be broken by breaking the assumption.}, keywords = {copyright;fingerprint identification;image coding;copyrighted material;digital copy protection;digital fingerprinting scheme;hybrid fingerprint;illegal copying;Collusion-attack;collusion-secure code (CSC);digital fingerprinting;scattering codes}, doi = {10.1109/TIFS.2008.926991}, issn = {1556-6013} }
@article{hgs2008jis, pdf = {Papers/hgs2008jis.pdf}, url = {http://jis.eurasipjournals.com/content/pdf/1687-417X-2008-803217.pdf}, file = {hgs2008jis.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Novel Attacks on Spread-Spectrum Fingerprinting}, journal = {EURASIP J. Information Security}, volume = {2008}, year = {2008}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2008/803217}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, abstract = {Spread-spectrum watermarking is generally considered to be robust against collusion attacks, and thereby suitable for digital fingerprinting. We have previously introduced the minority extreme attack (IWDW ’07), and showed that it is effective against orthogonal fingerprints. In this paper, we show that it is also effective against random Gaussian fingerprint. Furthermore, we develop new randomised attacks which counter the effect of the decoder preprocessing of Zhao et al.} }
@inproceedings{hgs07hewu, preprint = {Papers/hgs2007iwdw.pdf}, file = {hgs07iwdw.pdf}, title = {Attack Analysis for {H}e\&{W}u's Joint Watermarking/Fingerprinting Scheme}, year = 2007, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, series = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, booktitle = {The 6th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking}, note = {Canton (Guangzhou) China}, volume = 3304 }
@article{hgs07ms, file = {hgs07ms.pdf}, preprint = {Papers/hgs08ms.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {On error-correcting fingerprinting codes for use with watermarking}, journal = {Multimedia Systems}, year = 2008, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/2472555u22670460}, doi = {10.1007/s00530-007-0096-7}, volume = 13, number = {5--6}, month = feb, pages = {331-344}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, keywords = {Collusion-secure fingerprinting; Copyright protection; Error-correcting codes; Watermarking; Soft-decision decoding}, issn = {0942-4962}, abstract = {Digital fingerprinting has been suggested for copyright protection. Using a watermarking scheme, a fingerprint identifying the buyer is embedded in every copy sold. If an illegal copy appears, it can be traced back to the guilty user. By using collusion-secure codes, the fingerprinting system is made secure against cut-and-paste attacks. In this paper we study the interface between the collusion-secure fingerprinting codes and the underlying watermarking scheme, and we construct several codes which are both error-correcting and collusion-secure. Error-correction makes the system robust against successful attacks on the watermarking layer.} }
@inproceedings{hgs06icicic, url = {http://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/1826/1/fulltext.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, year = 2006, title = {On Watermarking/Fingerprinting for Copyright Protection}, booktitle = {Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2006. ICICIC '06. First International Conference on}, address = {Beijing, China}, volume = 3, pages = {50-53}, month = aug, abstract = {Digital fingerprinting has been suggested for copyright protection. Using a watermarking scheme, a fingerprint identifying the buyer is embedded in every copy sold. If an illegal copy appears, it can be traced back to the guilty user. By using collusion-secure codes, the fingerprinting system is made secure against cut-and-paste attacks. In this paper we study the interface between the collusion-secure fingerprinting codes and the underlying watermarking scheme, and we construct several codes which are both error-correcting and collusion-secure. Error-correction makes the system robust against successful attacks on the watermarking layer}, keywords = {error correction codes;fingerprint identification;watermarking;collusion-secure codes;copyright protection;cut-and-paste attacks;digital fingerprinting;error-correcting code;watermarking;Computer errors;Copyright protection;Decoding;Error correction codes;Fingerprint recognition;Image segmentation;Marketing and sales;Robustness;Steganography;Watermarking;collusion-secure fingerprinting;copyright protection;error-correcting codes;soft-decision decoding;watermarking}, doi = {10.1109/ICICIC.2006.488} }
@article{hgs06ifs, preprint = {Papers/hgs06ifs.pdf}, file = {hgs06ifs.pdf}, title = {The {B}oneh-{S}haw fingerprinting scheme is better than we thought}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, journal = {IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security}, month = jun, year = 2006, abstract = {Digital fingerprinting is a forensic method against illegal copying. The distributor marks each individual copy with a unique fingerprint. If an illegal copy appears, it can be traced back to one or more guilty pirates due to this fingerprint. To work against a coalition of several pirates, the fingerprinting scheme must be based on a collusion-secure code. This paper addresses binary collusion-secure codes in the setting of Boneh and Shaw (1995/1998). We prove that the Boneh-Shaw scheme is more efficient than originally proven, and we propose adaptations to further improve the scheme. We also point out some differences between our model and others in the literature.}, keywords = {binary codes;copy protection;Boneh-Shaw fingerprinting;binary collusion-secure codes;forensic method;illegal copying;Copyright protection;Councils;Data security;Fingerprint recognition;Forensics;Law;Legal factors;Legislation;Marketing and sales;Motion pictures;Collusion-secure codes;copyright protection;digital fingerprinting (FP);traitor tracing}, doi = {10.1109/TIFS.2006.873596}, issn = {1556-6013} }
@article{sf06bssd, pdf = {Papers/fs06ieice.pdf}, url = {http://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e89-a_10_2603&category=A&year=2006&lang=E&abst=}, file = {fs06ieice.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Marcel Fernandez-Muñoz}, title = {Soft decision decoding of {B}oneh-{S}haw fingerprinting codes}, journal = {IEICE Transactions}, year = 2006, volume = {E89-A}, number = 10, month = oct, pages = {2603--2608} }
@inproceedings{sf05itw, url = {http://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/1938/1/fulltext.pdf}, file = {sf05itw.pdf}, title = {Boneh-{S}haw fingerprinting and soft decision decoding}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Marcel Fernandez-Muñoz}, year = 2005, booktitle = {Information Theory Workshop}, note = {Rotorua, NZ} }
@article{hgs04dual, preprint = {Papers/swd01.pdf}, file = {hgs04dual.pdf}, title = {Duality and support weight distributions}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, journal = {Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on}, year = 2004, month = may, volume = 50, number = 5, pages = {862-867}, abstract = {We show how to compute the support weight distribution A/sub i//sup r/ for r/spl ges/k-d/sub 2//sup /spl perp//+3, where d/sub 2//sup /spl perp// is the second minimum support weight of a code, provided the weight enumerator of the dual code is known.}, keywords = {dual codes dual code, support weight distribution, weight enumerator}, doi = {10.1109/TIT.2004.826673}, issn = {0018-9448}, duplicate_key = {hgs:swd01} }
@inproceedings{hgs05nik, pdf = {Papers/hgs05nik.pdf}, ownfile = {hgs05nik.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, year = 2005, title = {On watermarking/fingerprinting for copyright protection}, booktitle = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, address = {Bergen, Norway}, month = nov }
@inproceedings{hgs04nik, pdf = {Papers/hgs04nik.pdf}, ownfile = {hgs04nik.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, year = 2004, title = {On collusion-secure codes for copyright protection}, booktitle = {Norsk Informatikkonferanse}, address = {Stavanger, Norway} }
@article{sw:wcc2001f, preprint = {Papers/sw2001.pdf}, file = {sw01wcc.pdf}, title = {A lower bound for the weight hierarchies of product codes}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Wolfgang Willems}, journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics}, year = 2003, volume = 128, pages = {251--261}, note = {Special issue for WCC 2001.} }
@article{hgs:greedy-prod, preprint = {Papers/hgs01grd-preprint.pdf}, title = {A lower bound for the greedy weights of product codes}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, journal = {Designs, Codes, and Cryptography}, year = 2004, volume = 31, number = 1, pages = {27--42}, month = jan }
@article{hgs:ends00, preprint = {Papers/ends.pdf}, file = {sch01tav.pdf}, title = {Upper Bounds on Weight Hierarchies of Extremal Non-chain Codes}, year = 2001, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, journal = {Discrete Math.}, volume = 241, number = {1--3}, pages = {449--469}, note = {Selected Papers in honour of Helge Tverberg}, issn = {0012-365X}, doi = {10.1016/S0012-365X(01)00131-5}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012365X01001315}, keywords = {Weight hierarchy, Chain condition, Linear codes, Projective multiset }, abstract = {The weight hierarchy of a linear [n,k;q] code C over GF(q) is the sequence (d1,d2,…,dk) where dr is the smallest support weight of an r-dimensional subcode of C. Linear codes may be classified according to a set of chain and non-chain conditions, the extreme cases being codes satisfying the chain condition (due to Wei and Yang) and extremal, non-chain codes (due to Chen and Kløve). This paper gives upper bounds on the weight hierarchies of the latter class of codes. } }
@article{hgs:prod99, file = {hgs99.pdf}, preprint = {Papers/product.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {The Weight Hierarchy of Product Codes}, year = 2000, month = nov, number = 7, pages = {2648-2651}, volume = 46, journal = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, abstract = {The weight of a code is the number of coordinate positions where no codeword is zero. The rth minimum weight dr is the least weight of an r-dimensional subcode. Wei and Yang (1993) gave a conjecture about the minimum weights for some product codes. In this article, we find a relation between product codes and the Segre embedding of a pair of projective systems, and we use this to prove the conjecture}, keywords = {linear codes;set theory;Segre embedding;coordinate positions;linear code;minimum weight;minimum weights;product codes;projective multiset;projective systems;subcode;weight hierarchy;Informatics;Linear code;Product codes;Tensile stress;Vectors}, doi = {10.1109/18.887876}, issn = {0018-9448} }
@inproceedings{hgs06aaecc, preprint = {Papers/cs06vega.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Nested codes for constrained memory and for dirty paper}, year = 2006, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, booktitle = {Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes}, note = {AAECC-16, Las Vegas, USA} }
@inproceedings{hgs03aaecc, preprint = {Papers/hgs03aaecc.pdf}, file = {hgs03aaecc.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Fighting two pirates}, year = 2003, series = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = 2643, month = may, pages = {71--78}, booktitle = {Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes} }
@inproceedings{hgs:greedy99, preprint = {Papers/hgs01aaecc.pdf}, file = {hgs01aaecc.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Duality and Greedy Weights for Linear Codes and Projective Multisets}, year = 2001, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = 2227, month = nov, pages = {92--101}, booktitle = {Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes}, note = {AAECC-15, Melbourne, Australia}, abstract = {A projective multiset is a collection of projective points, which are not necessarily distinct. A linear code can be represented as a projective multiset, by taking the columns of a generator matrix as projective points. Projective multisets have proved very powerful in the study of generalised Hamming weights. In this paper we study relations between a code and its dual.}, keywords = {linear codes, projective multiset, weight hierarchy, greedy weights, dual code} }
@inproceedings{hgs04isit, file = {hgs04isit.pdf}, url = {http://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/1923/1/fulltext.pdf}, title = {Fighting three pirates with scattering codes}, year = 2004, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory}, pages = 202, month = jun }
@inproceedings{sw:isit2001, title = {A lower bound for the weight hierarchy of product codes}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Wolfgang Willems}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory}, year = 2001, month = jun, pages = {59}, note = {Washington DC} }
@inproceedings{hgs:isit2001, title = {A lower bound on the greedy weights of product codes and projective multisets}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory}, year = 2001, month = jun, pages = {120}, abstract = {We present the relation between product codes and projective multisets, and give a lower bound on the greedy weights of product codes}, keywords = {linear codes;set theory;greedy weights;linear codes;lower bound;product codes;projective multisets;Councils;Informatics;Linear code;Product codes;Subspace constraints;Tensile stress}, doi = {10.1109/ISIT.2001.935983}, note = {Washington DC} }
@inproceedings{hgs:isit2000, title = {Projective systems and higher weights}, pages = {255}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory}, year = 2000, month = jun, abstract = {We use projective multisets (projective systems) to find upper bounds on the weight hierarchies for a special class of codes, namely the extremal non-chain codes. Several code constructions exist meeting the bounds with equality}, keywords = {linear codes;code constructions;extremal nonchain codes;higher weights;linear codes;projective multisets;projective systems;upper bounds;weight hierarchies;Algebra;Binary codes;Galois fields;Hamming weight;Informatics;Upper bound}, doi = {10.1109/ISIT.2000.866553} }
@inproceedings{mpsw:wcc01, preprint = {Papers/msw2001wcc.pdf}, title = {On the weight hierarchies of product codes. {T}he {W}ei-{Y}ang {C}onjecture and more.}, author = {Conchita Martínez-Pérez and Hans Georg Schaathun and Wolfgang Willems}, editor = {Daniel Augot}, year = 2001, month = jan, pages = {373--379}, booktitle = {Workshop on Coding and Cryptography} }
@article{ces01b, preprint = {Papers/ces02it.pdf}, file = {ces01b.pdf}, author = {Cohen, Gérard D. and Encheva, Sylvia B. and Schaathun, Hans Georg}, title = {More on $(2,2)$-separating systems}, year = 2002, month = sep, journal = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, volume = 48, number = 9, pages = {2606--2609}, abstract = {The theory of separating systems has been applied in different areas of science and technology such as automata synthesis, technical diagnosis, and authenticating ownership claims. Constructions of (2,2)-separating systems derived from error-correcting codes are given, together with bounds on their parameters based on distance considerations.}, keywords = {concatenated codes;error correction codes;linear codes;2,2-separating systems;bounds;concatenated codes;copyright protection;distance considerations;error-correcting codes;linear codes;watermarking;Linear code;Sufficient conditions;Terminology;Watermarking}, doi = {10.1109/TIT.2002.801479}, issn = {0018-9448} }
@article{cels01, file = {cels01.pdf}, pdf = {Papers/cels01.pdf}, author = {Gérard D. Cohen and Sylvia B. Encheva and Simon Litsyn and Hans Georg Schaathun}, journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics}, title = {Intersecting Codes and Separating Codes}, year = 2003, volume = 128, number = 1, pages = {75--83}, note = {International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC2001). }, issn = {0166-218X}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166218X02004377}, doi = {10.1016/S0166-218X(02)00437-7}, keywords = {Intersecting code, Separating code, Copyright protection }, abstract = {Let Γ be a code of length n. Then x is called a descendant of the coalition of codewords a,b,…,e if xi∈{ai,bi,…,ei} for i=1,…,n. We study codes with the following property: any two non-intersecting coalitions of a limited size have no common descendant. We present constructions based on linear intersecting codes. } }
@article{cels01C, file = {cels01c.pdf}, author = {Gérard D. Cohen and Sylvia B. Encheva and Simon Litsyn and Hans Georg Schaathun}, journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics}, fjournal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics. Combinatorial Algorithms, Optimization and Computer Science}, title = {Erratum to: ``{I}ntersecting codes and separating codes'' [{D}iscrete {A}ppl. {M}ath. {\bf 128} (2003), no. 1, 75--83]}, volume = {131}, year = {2003}, number = {3}, pages = {689--690}, issn = {0166-218X}, coden = {DAMADU}, mrclass = {94B60}, mrnumber = {2 011 379} }
@inproceedings{hgs:cirencester05, preprint = {Papers/cs05ima.pdf}, file = {cs05ima.pdf}, author = {Gérard D. Cohen and Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {A Trellis-Based Bound on (2, 1)-Separating Codes}, year = 2005, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, booktitle = {Cryptography and Coding}, series = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = 3796, month = dec, note = {10th IMA International Conference, Cirencester, England} }
@article{cs04, preprint = {Papers/cs04.pdf}, file = {cs04ssup.pdf}, author = {Gérard D. Cohen and Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Upper bounds on separating codes}, year = 2004, journal = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, volume = {50}, number = {6}, pages = {1291--1295}, issn = {0018-9448}, coden = {IETTAW}, mrclass = {94B65 (05B30)}, mrnumber = {MR2094886}, abstract = {The combinatorial concept of separating systems has numerous applications, such as automata theory, digital fingerprinting, group testing, and hashing. In this correspondence, we derive upper bounds on the size of codes with various separating properties.}, keywords = {combinatorial mathematics;error correction codes;automata theory;combinatorial concept;digital finger printing;error-correcting codes;group testing;hashing;separating codes;separating system;superimposed codes;upper bound;Cryptography;Cyclic redundancy check;Error-correcting codes;hashing;separating systems;superimposed codes}, doi = {10.1109/TIT.2004.828140}, issn = {0018-9448} }
@inproceedings{cs03china, author = {Gérard D. Cohen and Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {New bounds on separating families}, year = 2003, note = {Pseudo-proceedings of the cancelled CCC'03 in Yellow Mountain, China.} }
@inproceedings{cs03tahiti, file = {cs03tahi.pdf}, author = {Gérard D. Cohen and Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {New upper bounds on separating codes}, booktitle = {2003 International Conference on Telecommunications}, year = 2003, month = feb, isbn = {0-7803-7662-5 (cd-rom)} }
@inproceedings{cs04latin, preprint = {Papers/cs04lati-preprint.pdf}, file = {cs04lati.pdf}, author = {Gérard D. Cohen and Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {Separating Codes: Constructions and Bounds}, booktitle = {LATIN 2004: Theoretical Informatics: 6th Latin American Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 5-8, 2004. Proceedings}, year = 2004, pages = {322-328}, volume = 2976, month = apr, isbn = {3-540-21258-2} }
@article{hs04, file = {hs04kerd.pdf}, preprint = {Papers/hs04kerd.pdf}, author = {Tor Helleseth and Hans Georg Schaathun}, title = {On the (2,1)-separating weight of the {K}erdock code}, year = 2004, journal = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, month = dec, number = 12, pages = {3312-3315}, volume = 50, abstract = {Separating codes find applications in many fields including automata theory and digital fingerprinting. It is known that the Kerdock code of sufficient order is (2,1)- and (2,2)-separating, but the separating weight is only known by a lower bound due to Sagalovich. In this correspondence, we prove that the lower bound on the (2,1)-separating weight is met with equality.}, keywords = {automata theory;binary codes;linear codes;(2, 1)-separating weight;automata theory;binary Kerdock code;digital fingerprinting;linear codes;separating codes;Binary codes;Councils;Hamming distance;Informatics;65;Fingerprinting;Kerdock code;linear codes over;separating systems}, doi = {10.1109/TIT.2004.838106}, issn = {0018-9448} }
@inproceedings{hgs:cirencester03, preprint = {Papers/sh03ima.pdf}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Tor Helleseth}, title = {Separating and Intersecting Properties of {BCH} and {K}asami Codes}, year = 2003, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, booktitle = {Cryptography and Coding}, series = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = 2898, month = dec, pages = {52-65}, note = {9th IMA International Conference, Cirencester, England}, abstract = {Separating codes have recently been applied in the construction of collusion secure fingerprinting schemes. They are related to other combinatorial concepts like intersecting codes, superimposed codes, hashing families, and group testing. In this paper we study some good, binary asymptotic constructions of such codes.}, keywords = {separating systems, fingerprinting, BCH codes, Kasami codes} }
@article{sh05kasami, file = {sh05kasami.pdf}, preprint = {Papers/sh05kasami.pdf}, title = {The second support weight distribution of the {K}asami codes}, author = {Hans Georg Schaathun and Tor Helleseth}, journal = {Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on}, year = 2005, month = aug, volume = 51, number = 8, pages = {2892-2894}, abstract = {We compute the second support weight distribution of the Kasami codes.}, keywords = {Galois fields, dual codes, linear codes GF, Galois field, Kasami code, SWD, dual code, linear code, support weight distribution}, doi = {10.1109/TIT.2005.851770}, issn = {0018-9448} }
@inproceedings{bsw09icdp, author = {Johann A. Briffa and Hans Georg Schaathun and Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab}, title = {Has {F5} really been broken?}, booktitle = {Intern. Conf. on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP)}, month = dec, year = 2009, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5522279&isnumber=5522249}, doi = {10.1049/ic.2009.0245} }
@inproceedings{wahab09singapore, file = {wahab09singapore.pdf}, author = {Johann Briffa and Anthony TS Ho and Hans Georg Schaathun and Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab}, title = {Conditional Probability Based Steganalysis for {JPEG} Steganography}, booktitle = {International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS 2009)}, year = 2009, month = may }
@inproceedings{wahab09eciw, file = {ECIW_2nd_Order_Markov.pdf}, title = {Markov Process Based Steganalysis by Using Second-Order Transition Probability Matrix}, author = {Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab and Hans Georg Schaathun and Anthony TS Ho}, booktitle = {8th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECIW 09}, year = 2009, month = jul, dates = {6-7 July 2009}, address = {Military Academy, Lisbon and the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal} }
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