1 Tutorial: GA for TSP
In this tutorial, we will implement an integer-based GA for TSP based on the continuous GA that we implemented previously. A lot of the continuous GA code can be reused as is or just slightly modified. Therefore, this tutorial will necessarily contain much of the same information as the tutorial on the continuous GA.
The purpose of this GA is solve problems that are formulated as TSPs. That is, given a set of cities in the Euclidean 2D space, starting at any city, the GA should find the shortest connected path visiting all cities exactly once before returning the original city. A chromosome should represent a candidate solution, that is, a sample permutation (sequence of cities). We will assume that cities are labeled as natural numbers, . For example, for cities, a candidate solution could be given by . The cost function is the total distance travelled when visiting the cities of such a permutation.
However, because a TSP tour cannot include repeated cities, ordinary crossover and mutation will not work, because these genetic operations may introduce duplicates in offspring. There are several ways to fix this problem. For example, we can write specialised crossover and mutation methods that checks if duplicates will occur and avoids it (e.g., the PMX method). Here, we will use the method from a paper by ?, where a one-to-one relationship between a permutation and its inverse is presented. The inverse is allowed to have duplicates. Therefore, we can encode our chromosomes as the inverse of the permutations they represent, and use our ordinary crossover and mutation methods as before. To evalute the total distance travelled (cost), we must decode chromosomes to permutations and use a distance function on the resulting permutation.
1.1 Test problems
We will implement a GA for TSP using the alternative chromosome encoding proposed in ? and try
to solve the following TSPs (taken from
- 29 cities in Western Sahara:
- wi29info.txt: Information about problem and list of cities with (x,y) coordinates.
- wi29.txt Stripped file with list of cities with (x,y) coordinates only.
- 38 cities in Djibouti:
- dj38info.txt: Information about problem and list of cities with (x,y) coordinates.
- dj38.txt Stripped file with list of cities with (x,y) coordinates only.
For motivation, we will run an informal competition to see who manages to get the shortest TSP distance..!
You should place both the stripped files in the same directory as your Haskell module.
1.2 Test module
To show how you can read in the test data, we first provide a test module that can be used later when you have finished the implementation of your TSP GA:
1module TestTSPGA where
3import TSPGA
4import Data.List (sort)
5import System.Random (newStdGen)
7main :: IO ()
8main = do
9 contents <- readFile ~wi29.txt~
10 let s = map words (lines contents)
11 let cities = map stringsToCity s
This test module makes use of a helper function:
1stringsToCity :: [String] -> City
2stringsToCity [c, x, y] = (read c, (read x, read y))
The function stringsToCity
converts a list of three strings of the format [cityid, xpos, ypos]
to a
1.3 A continuous GA for the TSP
We begin by creating a module TSPGA.hs
for our code:
1module TSPGA where
1.4 GA settings
Before we proceed, it is useful to add some GA parameter settings to the top of our file so that they can easily be found and tweaked when we will test the GA later. We adopt the terminology used in class and in ? and define the following parameters with some default settings:
1numPop = 100 :: Int -- Population size (number of chromosomes)
2xRate = 0.5 :: Double -- Selection rate
3mutRate = 0.5 :: Double -- Mutation rate
4numElite = 20 :: Int -- Number of elite chromosomes
5itMax = 500 :: Int -- Max number of iterations
Note that these settings may be good or bad, and you will likely need to experiment to obtain good
1.5 Genes, chromosomes, and population
In the following, we will assume that a gene is an integer that encodes a single number in an inverse sequence corresponding to a permutation, and that a chromosome is a list of genes that encodes the complete sequence.
The total number of (encoding) variables, numVar
, is equal to the number of cities in t test problem
we will try to solve:
1numVar = 29 :: Int -- replace with length of a list of cities
This number tells us how many genes are required in each chromosome. Here, we have hardcoded
the number to suit the Djibouti problem with 29 cities, and you must change it to 38 if solving the
Western Sahara problem.
Next, we need to know the number of chromosomes numKeep
to keep between generations. This
number is a fraction (the selection rate xRate
) of the population size numPop
and should be rounded
up to the nearest even number to simplify the mating procedure:
1numKeep | numKeep’’ > numPop = numPop - numPop ‘mod‘ 2
2 | numKeep’’ < 2 = 2
3 | otherwise = numKeep’’
4 where numKeep’’ = numKeep’ + numKeep’ ‘mod‘ 2
5 numKeep’ = ceiling $ xRate * fromIntegral numPop :: Int
For example, for numPop = 100
and xRate = 0.5
, we get numKeep = 50
. Some cases are introduced
for safety to ensure numKeep
is always greater than or equal to 2, and always smaller than or equal to
We also need to determine the number of chromosomes to mutate, numMut
, which is a fraction (the
mutation rate mutRate
) of the population size, and must be rounded up to nearest integer:
1numMut = ceiling $ mutRate * fromIntegral numPop :: Int
For numPop = 40
and mutRate = 0.1
, we get numMut = 4
Finally, we define some type aliases for readability and debugging purposes:
1type CityID = Int -- city id
2type Position = (Double, Double) -- city position (x, y)
3type City = (CityID, Position) -- (city id, x-coordinate, y-coordinate)
4type Gene = CityID -- integer
5type Chromosome = [Gene] -- list of genes
6type Population = [Chromosome] -- list of chromosomes
A CityID
is an integer representing a city, whilst Position
is a tuple consisting of the
coordinates of a city in a Euclidean space. A City
is a tuple consisting of a CityID
and the Position
that city. We simply let a Gene
be a CityID
, a Chromosome
a list of Gene
, and a Population
a list of
The variables (city IDs) are constrained as
1pLo = 1 :: CityID
2pHi = numVar :: CityID
whilst we let the genes have the same constraints.
1gLo = pLo :: CityID
2gHi = pHi :: CityID
The reason we have the same constraints on the genes is that the inverse sequence (an encoded
chromosome) of a permutation will contain only (some of) the same numbers as those of the
permutation. Note that if we planned to use some other encoding scheme, we would have to change
and gHi
1.6 Encoding functions
1.6.1 The encodeCity
We need a function encodeCity
to encode a City
as a Gene
1encodeCity :: City -> Gene
2encodeCity (cityID, cityPos) = cityID
1.6.2 Direct encoding using the encodeTour’
If we encode a TSP tour (list of cities) directly to a chromosome, we could use the function
1encodeTour’ :: [City] -> Chromosome
2encodeTour’ = map encodeCity
However, as we have discussed already, this would cause problems with repeated cities when
performing ordinary crossover and mutation.
1.6.3 The inverseSequence
Instead, we implement a function inverseSequence
that creates a sequence of numbers representing a
1-- Inverse sequence representing a permutation
2-- This sequence allows repetitive values and hence is robust under ordinary
3-- (n-point) crossover. There is a one-to-one mapping from ordinary permutation
4-- representation to the inversion sequence representation.
5-- Source: http://www.ceng.metu.edu.tr/~ucoluk/research/publications/tspnew.pdf
6inverseSequence :: [CityID] -> [Int]
7inverseSequence cs = inverseSequence’ cs ns
8 where ns = [1..length cs]
10inverseSequence’ :: [CityID] -> [Int] -> [Int]
11inverseSequence’ cs [j] = [length $ filter (> j) $ takeWhile (/= j) cs]
12inverseSequence’ cs (j:js) = inverseSequence’ cs [j] ++ inverseSequence’ cs js
This sequence is allowed to have duplicates. Later, we implement a fromInverse
function to get back
to a permutation from such an inverse sequence.
1.6.4 The encodeTour
To encode a TSP tour (permuation of cities) as an inverse sequence in the chromosome, we compose
a function consisting of inverseSequence
and the direct encoding function encodeTour’
1-- Encode a tour (permutation of cities) as an inverse sequence
2encodeTour :: [City] -> Chromosome
3encodeTour = inverseSequence . encodeTour’
1.6.5 The encodeTours
Finally, the encodeTours
function encodes a list of tours as a list of inverse sequences:
1encodeTours :: [[City]] -> Population
2encodeTours = map encodeTour
1.7 Decoding functions
In addition to encoding functions, we also need decoding functions able to convert back from inverse sequences contained in chromosomes back to TSP tours (permutations).
1.7.1 The fromInverse
We define a fromInverse
function that converts an inverse sequence to a permutation:
1-- Convert inverse sequences generated with inverseSequence to permutations
2-- Source: http://www.ceng.metu.edu.tr/~ucoluk/research/publications/tspnew.pdf
3fromInverse :: [Int] -> [Int]
4fromInverse inv = map snd $ filter ((>0) . fst) $ sort $ zip permpos [0..]
5 where permpos = updatePosMany inv0 pos0 i n
6 inv0 = 0 : inv
7 pos0 = take (length inv0 + 1) $ repeat 0
8 i = length inv
9 n = i
It is slightly hard work to implement the fromInverse
function based on the second iterative algorithm
in ?, and a number of helper functions are required (you may be able to do this in a simpler way
1-- Helper functions to fromInverse
2updatePosMany :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
3updatePosMany inv pos i n
4 | i < 1 = pos
5 | otherwise = updatePosMany inv (updatePos inv pos i n) (i - 1) n
7updatePos :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
8updatePos inv pos i n = updatePosi inv (updatePosmMany inv pos (i + 1) n i) i
10updatePosi :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
11updatePosi inv pos i = replaceAtIndex i (inv!!i + 1) pos
13updatePosmMany :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
14updatePosmMany inv pos m n i
15 | m == n = updatePosm inv pos m i
16 | m > n = updatePosmMany inv (updatePosm inv pos m i) (m - 1) n i
17 | otherwise = updatePosmMany inv (updatePosm inv pos m i) (m + 1) n i
19updatePosm :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
20updatePosm inv pos m i
21 | pos!!m >= inv!!i + 1 = replaceAtIndex m (pos!!m + 1) pos
22 | otherwise = pos
1.8 Testing the inverseSequence
and fromInverse
We can test the inverseSequence
and fromInverse
functions on two permutations
with corresponding
inverse sequences
and ,
respectively, given in ?:
Example usage in ghci
1*TSPGA> let perm1 = [5,7,1,3,6,4,2]
2*TSPGA> let perm2 = [4,6,2,7,3,1,5]
3*TSPGA> let invseq1 = inverseSequence perm1
4*TSPGA> let invseq2 = inverseSequence perm2
5*TSPGA> invseq1
7*TSPGA> invseq2
9*TSPGA> let perm1’ = fromInverse invseq1
10*TSPGA> let perm2’ = fromInverse invseq2
11*TSPGA> perm1’
13*TSPGA> perm2’
1.8.1 The decodeGene
There is no way to decode a gene by itself, since a gene is a number in an inverse sequence in which
the elements depend on each other. We need to decode an entire chromosome to find the permutation
it represent; we cannot decode separate genes. Also, there is no need for a decodeGene
Hence, this function is not implemented.
1.8.2 The decodeChromosome
To decode a Chromosome
, we just call the fromInverse
1decodeChromosome :: Chromosome -> [CityID]
2decodeChromosome = fromInverse
1.8.3 The decodePopulation
To decode an entire population (list of chromosomes) of chromosomes, we just map the
function over the population:
1decodePopulation :: Population -> [[CityID]]
2decodePopulation = map decodeChromosome
1.9 Testing of encoding/decoding
Example functionality in ghci
1*TSPGA> let c1 = (1,(0,0)) :: City
2*TSPGA> let c2 = (2,(1,1)) :: City
3*TSPGA> let c3 = (3,(1,2)) :: City
4*TSPGA> let c4 = (4,(2,1)) :: City
5*TSPGA> let tour1 = [c1,c2,c3,c4]
6*TSPGA> let tour2 = [c2,c3,c1,c4]
7*TSPGA> let tour3 = [c3,c1,c2,c4]
8*TSPGA> let tour4 = [c4,c1,c3,c2]
9*TSPGA> let tours = [tour1,tour2,tour3,tour4]
10*TSPGA> let pop = encodeTours tours
11*TSPGA> pop
13*TSPGA> decodePopulation pop
1.10 Randomness functions
Randomness is vital for a GA, e.g., to create a random initial population, a random crossover
point, a random mutation, and so on. We will use two functions from the System.Random
library to implement the functions we need for randomness, namely StdGen
and randomR
1import System.Random (StdGen, randomR)
It will be convenient to have functions for generating random genes, chromosomes, and populations;
and also for generating a random index (e.g., a crossover point) in a list.
Note that the reason we also return a StdGen
in many or most of the functions dealing with
randomness is so that we can repeatedly apply them, e.g., in a genetic evolution. In such cases, we
need to pass on a StdGen
for the next function calls.
1.10.1 The randGene
The randGene
function generates a random number of type Gene
in the range
1randGene :: StdGen -> (Gene, StdGen)
2randGene g = (value, g’)
3 where (value, g’) = randomR (gLo, gHi) g
1.10.2 The randGenes
The randGenes
function uses the randGene
function to generate a list of random genes with length n
1-- Create a list with n random genes
2randGenes :: Int -> StdGen -> ([Gene], StdGen)
3randGenes 0 g = ([], g)
4randGenes n g =
5 let (value, g’) = randGene g
6 (restOfList, g’’) = randGenes (n-1) g’
7 in (value:restOfList, g’’)
For convenience, we also implement a version of this function, randGene’
, that does not return
1-- Create a list with n random genes, do not return StdGen
2randGenes’ :: Int -> StdGen -> [Gene]
3randGenes’ n g = take n $ randomRs (gLo, gHi) g
1.10.3 The randChrom
The randChrom
and randChrom’
functions are identical to randGenes
and randGenes’
, respectively,
except that they return a Chromosome
instead of a list of genes [Gene]
1-- Random chromosome with n genes
2randChrom :: Int -> StdGen -> (Chromosome, StdGen)
3randChrom n g = randGenes n g
5-- Random chromosome with n genes, do not return StdGen
6randChrom’ :: Int -> StdGen -> Chromosome
7randChrom’ n g = randGenes’ n g
1.10.4 The randChroms
The randChroms
function uses the randChrom
function to generate a list of cn
random chromosomes,
each with length gn
1-- Create a list with cn random chromosomes with gn genes
2randChroms :: Int -> Int -> StdGen -> (Population, StdGen)
3randChroms 0 _ g = ([], g)
4randChroms cn gn g =
5 let (value, g’) = randChrom gn g
6 (restOfList, g’’) = randChroms (cn-1) gn g’
7 in (value:restOfList, g’’)
Again, we can also define a randChrom’
function that does the same thing as randChrom
but does not
return at StdGen
1randChroms’ :: Int -> Int -> StdGen -> Population
2randChroms’ cn gn g = chunksOf gn values
3 where values = randGenes’ (cn * gn) g
This function requires the use of the function chunksOf
in the Data.List.Split
1import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
That is, we first generate a large list of cn
genes, and then we split that list into a list of sublists, each of length gn
1.10.5 The randPop
The randPop
function is just a special case of the randChroms
function that generates a list of cn =
random chromosomes, each with gn = numVar
1-- Random population with numPop chromosomes with numVar genes
2randPop :: StdGen -> (Population, StdGen)
3randPop = randChroms numPop numVar
And again, we can also define a randPop’
function that does not return a StdGen
if we want to:
1-- Random population with numPop chromosomes with numVar genes,
2-- do not return StdGen
3randPop’ :: StdGen -> Population
4randPop’ = randChroms’ numPop numVar
1.10.6 The randIndex
Finally, the randIndex
function returns a random index of a list xs
of length n
in the closed interval
1-- Random index in a chromosome
2randIndex :: StdGen -> [a] -> (Int, StdGen)
3randIndex g xs = (ind, g’)
4 where (ind, g’) = randomR (0, length xs - 1) g
1.11 Cost functions
Before we proceed with implementing the core of the GA, namely operations such as selection, mating, mutation, and evolution, we need functions to evaluate the cost of chromosomes.
1.11.1 The distance
We begin with the distance
function, which calculates the Euclidean distance between two cities in
Euclidean 2D space:
1distance :: City -> City -> Double
2distance (c1, (x1, y1)) (c2, (x2, y2)) = sqrt $ (x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2
1.11.2 The distanceTour
The distanceTour
function calculates the total distance of a TSP tour. We first connect the end city
back to the starting city, and then use a helper function distanceTour’
that adds up all the intercity
1-- Distance of a TSP tour
2distanceTour :: [City] -> Double
3distanceTour cs = distanceTour’ cs’
4 where cs’ = cs ++ [head cs]
6-- Distance of a tour where the end city is not connected back to the beginning
7distanceTour’ :: [City] -> Double
8distanceTour’ [] = 0
9distanceTour’ [c1,c2] = distance c1 c2
10distanceTour’ (c1:c2:cs) = distance c1 c2 + distanceTour’ (c2:cs)
1.11.3 The cityIDToCity
The cityIDToCity function looks up a CityID in a list of cities [City] and returns the city if it exists, otherwise it returns an error:
1cityIDToCity :: [City] -> CityID -> City
2cityIDToCity cities cityID = (cityID, stripMaybe cityPos)
3 where cityPos = lookup (cityID) cities
4 stripMaybe (Just cityPos) = cityPos
5 stripMaybe (Nothing) = error $ ~City does not exist!~
1.11.4 The chromToTour
The chromToTour
function uses the cityIDToCity
function to look up each of the cities in a decoded
chromosome to find the TSP tour (list of cities) that the chromosome corresponds to:
1chromToTours :: [City] -> Chromosome -> [City]
2chromToTours cities = map (cityIDToCity cities) . decodeChromosome
1.11.5 The popToTours
The popToTours
function maps the chromToTour
function over each of the chromosomes in a
population to construct a list of TSP tours:
1popToTours :: [City] -> Population -> [[City]]
2popToTours cities = map (chromToTours cities)
1.11.6 The chromCost
We are now ready to find the cost of a chromosome, which is the total distance of the TSP tour that the chromosome encodes:
1chromCost :: [City] -> Chromosome -> Double
2chromCost cities = distanceTour . chromToTours cities
1.11.7 The chromCostPair
As we shall see later, it is convenient to store the evaluated cost of a chromosome together with the chromosome itself in a tuple. For example, if we have a population of such tuples, we can sort it in increasing order of cost (ranking), which is necessary for selection, where we typically want to select better chromosomes before worse ones.
We therefore define a new type
1type ChromCost = (Double, Chromosome)
Next, we define a chromCostPair
function to construct such tuples from a list of cities and the
chromosome we want to evaluate:
1chromCostPair :: [City] -> Chromosome -> ChromCost
2chromCostPair cities c = (chromCost cities c, c)
1.12 Population functions
We now turn our attention to some functions dealing with an entire population of chromosomes. The
functions below are used to evaluate the cost of each chromosome in a population (evalPop
); to sort a
population in increasing order of cost (sortPop
); to select chromosomes apart from elite
chromosomes to keep for next generation and to use for mating (selection
); get a list of chromosomes
to be used as parents for mating (getParents
); and to convert a list of (cost, chromosome) pairs,
, to type Population
1.12.1 The evalPop
The evalPop
function evaluates all of the chromosomes in a population by mapping the partial
function chromCostPair cities
over the population, where cities
is a list of all the cities for the TSP
and their Position
. This is an example of partial function application, where we call a function with
too few parameters and get back a partially applied function, that is, a function that takes as many
parameters as we left out.
1evalPop :: [City] -> Population -> [ChromCost]
2evalPop cities = map (chromCostPair cities)
1.12.2 The sortPop
To sort a population, we can use the sort
function from the Data.List
library. We therefore add sort
our import statement:
1import Data.List (elemIndex, sort)
The sortPop
function is then implemented simply as
1sortPop :: [ChromCost] -> [ChromCost]
2sortPop = sort
Note that this works because when given a list of tuples (ChromCost
is a (cost, chromosome) pair, or
tuple), sort
sorts the list by the first element of the tuples, namely the cost.
Of course, we could have used sort
directly, however, implementing sortPop
ensures correct types so
it adds some safety to our code.
1.12.3 The selection
In addition to numElite
elite chromosomes, a number of other chromosomes must be kept in the
population for the next generation and also serve the role as parents for mating. There are several
ways to select such chromosomes, including roulette wheel selection, tournament selection, random
selection, etc. Here, we just take a fraction xRate
(called the selection rate) of a sorted
(ranked) population. The total number of elite chromosomes plus selected chromosomes
should equal numKeep
. A possible implementation of a selection
function is given below:
1selection :: [ChromCost] -> [ChromCost]
2selection = take (numKeep - numElite) . drop numElite
1.12.4 The getParents
The getParents
function returns the chromosomes to keep in the population for the next generation
and to serve as parents. These chromosomes consists of the numElite
best chromosomes in the
population plus some chromosomes that are selected using the selection
function above.
1getParents :: [ChromCost] -> [ChromCost]
2getParents pop = (take numElite pop) ++ selection pop
1.12.5 The toPopulation
For some of the genetic operations dealing with the population, it may be convenient not to have to
handle a list of (cost, chromosome) pairs but just a list of chromosomes. We therefore define
a function toPopulation
to perform a conversion of a list of ChromCost
to Population
1toPopulation :: [ChromCost] -> Population
2toPopulation [] = []
3toPopulation ((cost,chrom) : pop) = chrom : toPopulation pop
1.13 Mating functions
We are finally ready to begin implementing the core components of the GA, namely mating,
mutation, and evolution. We begin with two function required for mating, the single point crossover
function and the matePairwise
Note that because we are using inverse sequences for our encoded chromosomes, we can use the ordinary single-point crossover function and the mutation function defined previously for the continuous GA.
1.13.1 The crossover
The function crossover
is used for mating with single point crossover:
1crossover :: Int -> Chromosome -> Chromosome -> Population
2crossover cp ma pa = [take cp ma ++ drop cp pa, take cp pa ++ drop cp ma]
Given a crossover point cp
, a mother chromosome ma
, and a father chromosome pa
, it returns two
offspring, where one consists of the genes in ma
and pa
before and after cp
, respectively, and the
other consists of the remaining genes from ma
and pa
1.13.2 The matePairwise
There are many ways to choose which chromosomes should mate to create offspring,
e.g., we could randomly draw a mother and a father chromosome from a subpopulation
consisting of the numKeep
best chromosomes in a population. Here, we simply use pairwise
mating in a recursive function called matePairwise
, where chromosomes 1 and 2 mate,
chromosomes 3 and 4 mate, and so forth. The resulting offspring is returned as a Population
together with a StdGen
, both in a tuple. The function requires several standard PRNGs. For
this, we add the split
function that comes with the System.Random
library in our import:
1import System.Random (StdGen, randomR, split, mkStdGen)
The implementation of matePairwise
is given below:
1matePairwise :: StdGen -> Population -> (Population, StdGen)
2matePairwise g [] = ([], g)
3matePairwise g [ma] = ([ma], g)
4matePairwise g (ma:pa:cs) = (offspring ++ fst (matePairwise g’ cs), g’’)
5 where (g’, g’’) = split g
6 (g’’’, _) = split g’’
7 cp = fst $ randIndex g’’’ ma
8 offspring = crossover cp ma pa
The two base cases say that an empty population should just return the empty list, and if the
population only have a single chromosome, we should just clone it. The general case
generates a random crossover point cp
using the randIndex
function and then calls the
single point crossover
function with cp
and the first two chromosomes in the population
to create two offspring. It then recursively repeats the process on the remainder of the
1.14 Mutation functions
Mutation involves changing a gene value to a new random value limited to
. The
fraction (mutation rate) of chromosomes in the population that should mutate is called mutRate
, and
corresponds to the integer numMut
. For example, for a population size of numPop == 100
and a
mutation rate of mutRate == 0.1
, the number of chromosomes to mutate would be numMut ==
The necessary mutation functions are given below.
1.14.1 The replaceAtIndex
If we have a gene variable, or a list of genes (a chromosome), we cannot just change (overwrite) it as
we likely would do in an imperative language, since data variables in a purely functional language
like Haskell are immutable (they cannot change once defined). Instead, we must copy the data we
need and put it together in a new data structure or variable. We therefore implement a helper function
that can replace an item in a list at a particular index, namely the replaceAtIndex
function below:
1replaceAtIndex :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
2replaceAtIndex n item ls = as ++ (item:bs) where (as, (b:bs)) = splitAt n ls
This function uses the splitAt
function available in Prelude (so no need to import it) to split the list ls
at the position n
into two sublists as
and (b:bs)
, where as
are the first n
elements in ls
, and (b:bs)
the remainding elements. The element b
is then replaced with item
and the pieces are put together
again using the ++
Example usage in ghci
1*ContinuousGA> replaceAtIndex 5 99 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
1.14.2 The mutateChrom
The mutateChrom
function mutates a randomly selected gene among its list of genes:
1mutateChrom :: StdGen -> Chromosome -> (Chromosome, StdGen)
2mutateChrom g chrom = (mutChrom, g2’)
3 where (g1, g2) = split g
4 (nGene, g1’) = randIndex g1 chrom
5 (mutGene, g2’) = randGene g2
6 mutChrom = replaceAtIndex nGene mutGene chrom
An index nGene
in the chromosome chrom
is picked randomly. A new mutated gene mutGene
at this index is then mutated using the randGene
function. Finally, a new chromosome
that is identical to chrom
except that the gene at index nGene
has been mutated is
1.14.3 The mutateChromInPop
The function mutateChromInPop
mutates a chromosome at index n
in population pop
1mutateChromInPop :: StdGen -> Int -> Population -> (Population, StdGen)
2mutateChromInPop g n pop = (replaceAtIndex n mutChrom pop, g’)
3 where (g’, g’’) = split g
4 (mutChrom, _) = mutateChrom g’’ (pop!!n)
1.14.4 The mutIndices
and mutatePop
Finally, we need a function called mutatePop
that given a list of indices, mutates all its chromosomes
at those indices.
To randomly generate a list of indices, we create a function mutIndices
1mutIndices :: Population -> StdGen -> [Int]
2mutIndices pop g = take numMut $ randomRs (numElite, length pop - 1) g
The function makes use of the randomRs
function from the System.Random
library, hence we add it
to our import statement:
1import System.Random (StdGen, randomR, randomRs, split, mkStdGen)
The randomRs
function produces an infinite list of random indices limited to lower and upper
bounds given by it first argument. Here, the lower bound is numElite
, because we do not
want to mutate any of the elite chromosomes, and the upper bound is the index of the last
chromosome in the population. Finally, we take only the first numMut
indices from the infinite
Now that we have a a function to generate a list of random indices for the chromosomes that shall be
mutated, we can implement a recursive mutatePop
1mutatePop :: StdGen -> [Int] -> Population -> (Population, StdGen)
2mutatePop g _ [] = ([], g)
3mutatePop g [] pop = (pop, g)
4mutatePop g (n:ns) pop = mutatePop g’ ns pop’
5 where (pop’, g’) = mutateChromInPop g n pop
The first base case says to do nothing if the population is empty or the list of indices is empty. Given
a list (n:ns)
of indices, the recursive case uses the mutateChromInPop
function defined above to
mutate the chromosome at index n
in the population before it recursively continues with
the remaining ns
indices. A list of random indices can be provided by the mutIndices
1.15 Evolution functions
Our GA is almost finished but the most important step is left: evolution. We need two functions,
and evolvePop
, to complete the GA.
1.15.1 The evolvePopOnce
The evolvePopOnce
function evolves a population from one generation to the next:
1evolvePopOnce :: StdGen -> [City] -> Population -> (Population, StdGen)
2evolvePopOnce g cities pop = (newPopMutated, g4)
3 where (g’, g’’) = split g
4 parents = toPopulation $ getParents $ sortPop $ evalPop cities pop
5 (offspring, g3) = matePairwise g’ parents
6 newPop = parents ++ offspring
7 mutIdx = mutIndices newPop g3
8 (newPopMutated, g4) = mutatePop g’’ mutIdx newPop
Its input is a list of cities and their positions named cities
and a population pop
, and the output is a
new population newPopMutated
that has been constructed through genetic operations. Each of the
chromosomes in pop
is evaluated by finding the total distance of the TSP tour they each encode, and
then sorted.
Parents to be kept for the next generation and for generating offspring are selected using
the getParents
function, and to convert from a list of (cost, chromosome) pairs, we use
the toParents
function. The result is assigned to parents
. The function matePairwise
create offspring
using single point crossover on the chromosomes in parents
. The parents
and the offspring
collectively become the new population newPop
. Finally, a number
of the chromosomes in newPop
are mutated and the results is the next generation
1.15.2 The evolvePop
Finally, we create the evolvePop
function. This function evolves a population n
times recursively,
making use of the evolvePopOnce
function just described.
1evolvePop :: StdGen -> Int -> [City] -> Population -> (Population, StdGen)
2evolvePop g 0 cities pop = (newpop, g)
3 where newpop = toPopulation $ sortPop $ evalPop cities pop
4evolvePop g n cities pop = evolvePop g’ (n-1) cities newPop
5 where (newPop, g’) = evolvePopOnce g cities pop
1.16 Alternative encoding/decoding scheme
As pointed out by student Rune Valle (thank you!), an alternative encoding/decoding scheme for TSP problems can be found here: frcatel.fri.uniza.sk/users/pesko/publ/DeTSP.pdf
Please feel free to use this scheme if you like.
Below is a module with the necessary code:
1-- Alternative encoding/decoding scheme for TSP taken from
2-- https://frcatel.fri.uniza.sk/users/pesko/publ/DeTSP.pdf
4module GAtsmLehman where
6-- Test data
7perm1, perm2, invseq1, invseq2 :: [Int]
8perm1 = [5,7,1,3,6,4,2]
9perm2 = [4,6,2,7,3,1,5]
10invseq1 = [1,5,2,3,0,1,0]
11invseq2 = [5,2,3,0,2,0,0]
13type Permutation = [Int]
14type Lehman = [Int]
16encodePermutation :: Permutation -> Lehman
17encodePermutation [] = []
18encodePermutation (ah:at) = (length $ filter (<ah) at):(encodePermutation at)
20popItem :: Int -> [a] -> (a, [a])
21popItem 0 (ah:at) = (ah, at)
22popItem i (ah:at) = (output, ah:list)
23 where
24 (output, list) = popItem (i-1) at
26identityPermutation :: Int -> Permutation
27identityPermutation a = [1..a]
29decodePermutation :: Lehman -> Permutation
30decodePermutation a = decodePermutation’ (identityPermutation (length a)) a
31 where
32 decodePermutation’ :: Permutation -> Lehman -> Permutation
33 decodePermutation’ [] [] = []
34 decodePermutation’ n (lh:lt) = res:(decodePermutation’ nrest lt)
35 where
36 (res, nrest) = popItem lh n
1.17 Final remarks
Congratulations! You should now have a working GA contained in your TSPGA
module. Even if you
are generous with comments and line shifts (as I am), your module should be around 300
What remains is to test the GA. We will investigate this in the next section.