1 Tutorial: Continuous GA
1.1 A continuous GA for string learning
1.2 GA settings
1.3 Alphabet
1.4 Target strings
1.5 Genes, chromosomes, and the population
1.6 Normalisation and denormalisation
1.7 Encoding functions
1.7.1 The encodeChar function
1.7.2 The encodeString function
1.7.3 The encodeStringList function
1.8 Decoding functions
1.8.1 The decodeGene function
1.8.2 The decodeChromosome function
1.8.3 The decodePopulation function
1.9 Randomness functions
1.9.1 The randGene function
1.9.2 The randGenes function
1.9.3 The randChrom function
1.9.4 The randChroms function
1.9.5 The randPop function
1.9.6 The randIndex function
1.10 Cost functions
1.10.1 The elemCost function
1.10.2 The stringCost function
1.10.3 The chromCost function
1.10.4 The chromCostPair function
1.11 Population functions
1.11.1 The evalPop function
1.11.2 The sortPop function
1.11.3 The selection function
1.11.4 The getParents function
1.11.5 The toPopulation function
1.11.6 Testing the population functions
1.12 Mating functions
1.12.1 The crossover function
1.12.2 The matePairwise function
1.13 Mutation functions
1.13.1 The replaceAtIndex function
1.13.2 The mutateChrom function
1.13.3 The mutateChromInPop function
1.13.4 The mutIndices and mutatePop functions
1.14 Evolution functions
1.14.1 The evolvePopOnce function
1.14.2 The evolvePop function
1.15 Final remarks
2 Exercises
2.1 Testing
2.2 Solve your own problem